天主教学校领导, MCSL, Certificate




云顶集团提供天主教学校领导硕士(MCSL)和 天主教学校领导证书(CSL)专为教育工作者准备 leadership in Catholic education. 学生 will graduate prepared for a career as 副校长,天主教学校的校长或校长,副校长 督学或督学,或作为教区人员的一员而有影响 the various aspects of education (i.e. budget, curricula, development and school infrastructure, grants for a diocese or state). In addition to serving each student who passes through 在你的课堂上,学生们会将他们的影响力扩展到他们的学校社区 具有更扎实的天主教传统知识和实践经验 领导技能. 



The Master of 天主教学校领导 comprises 36 credit hours. 学生完成 一个研究生研讨会,五门神学课程和七门天主教学校领导课程 课程. 

  • TMIN 5311. 研究生研修班 Required of all first-year students.  This course is designed to introduce new students 到世界各地的研究生学习神学和教牧,并协助 them in undertaking graduate level work successfully.  只提供专业讲座 in the Fall semester, with both on-site and online options.
  • TMIN 5330 Systematic Theology - Structured reflection on the Christian communal experience of faith and how that faith is understood, expressed and lived out in the Catholic tradition. 它邀请 学生之间的对话和天主教传统的形成因素来考虑 神学方法(一).e., How do we do this work properly?)、教义的清晰性(i.e., What does our formative tradition teach?)及教牧实践(i.e.神学如何 and pastoral realities influence one another?). Topics of special focus 包括 revelation 和信仰,三位一体的上帝,基督论,基督教人类学和神学 the church, including Mary and the saints.
  • tmin5350道德神学- 基本道德神学的批判性调查,包括的独特性 基督教道德、良心形成、自然法则、道德规范与决策. 它提供了一个进入特殊道德神学的入口,其中包括生物伦理学,环境伦理学 ethics, healthcare ethics, sexual ethics and social ethics.
  • TMIN 6375 Catechetics and the Development of 信仰 - Introduction to the history, theology and practice of catechesis. 包括方法, 当代教理讲授的内容和课程,特别注重年龄的适宜性 and faith and its maturation in people.
  • 除了上面列出的课程外,学生还需要咨询他们的老师 天主教学校领导 advisor to choose 1 elective course. 建议选修课 包括
    • TMIN 5360 礼拜仪式和圣礼
    • TMIN 5340 教会历史
    • TMIN 5370 神学上的反射
  • EDU 5342 Foundations of Catholic Education - 本课程的目的是增加认识、知识和理解 of the many complex factors that shape education in 天主教学校s. 在阅读 反思相关的第一手资料和第二手资料,进行深思熟虑, 学院讨论,学生将探讨历史,使命,身份,和 天主教学校价值. 学生 will review relevant Church documents, scholarly 文本,并研究评估天主教学校的健康,天主教的影响 以及21世纪天主教教育的价值(既有承诺也有危险) 世纪的美国. Special attention will be given to examining trends related to teaching 并在天主教环境中学习,将天主教身份注入教育中 practice, and constructing a thoughtful, personal philosophy of education. 学生 will create a Catholic Education Portfolio.
  • EDU 6361 The Catholic School Principal - 本课程将探讨天主教学校的独特使命和特殊 demands placed upon the 天主教学校 administrator. The specific roles and responsibilities of an administrator in 天主教学校 will be examined. The student will be introduced 能达到该职位的期望以及所要求的技能和知识 它们带来的挑战. This study will 包括 an analysis of the principal's responsibilities in the areas of leadership. Special attention will be paid to the 精神领袖的角色.
  • EDU 6362 Instructional 领导 - 本课程探讨课程和教学中的主要问题、问题和趋势. 这项研究将包括对管理人员所需的领导技能的分析 在教学监督、课程开发、教学评估等方面, and staff development in a private or 狭隘的学校.
  • EDU 6363 Organizational 领导 and Planning - 本课程将研究行政行为和组织结构 they relate to non-public schools. This examination will 包括 conceptual models of strategic planning and decision-making.
  • EDU 6364 Non-Public School Finance and Development - This course will examine all aspects of the financial management of a private or 狭隘的学校. This examination will 包括 the fiscal planning process, as well as, the development and implementation of a fiscal plan. 发展的作用和 public relations will be addressed. Discussion will also 包括 all aspects of budgets, marketing, fund raising, development strategy and management.
  • EDU 6365 Non-Public School Law - 本课程是一门研究与行政管理有关的法律问题的课程 天主教学校. Included in this study will be an overview of Constitutional Law: Civil Law; Personnel Law; Canon Law; State and Federal Regulations; Accreditation Issues; and Government programs. Participants will be presented with precedent setting court decisions and case studies will be reviewed and discussed.
  • EDU 6366 天主教学校领导 Internship - 天主教学校领导的有监督的安置,通常进行 在最后一年的学习中,这为提高技能提供了一个结构化的机会 and integrate theoretical knowledge. Interns demonstrate leadership in a Catholic school environment under the supervision of an appropriate field based mentor. 学生 在实习期间是否会定期与导师会面 to ensure learning outcomes are met. Registration for this course requires prior approval.


云顶集团还提供18小时的天主教学校领导证书. 这是提供给那些已经拥有硕士学位,想要或需要额外的学生 hours in 天主教学校领导.

  • EDU 5342 Foundations of Catholic Education -本课程的目的是提高认识、知识和理解 of the many complex factors that shape education in 天主教学校s. 在阅读 反思相关的第一手资料和第二手资料,进行深思熟虑, 学院讨论,学生将探讨历史,使命,身份,和 天主教学校价值. 学生 will review relevant Church documents, scholarly 文本,并研究评估天主教学校的健康,天主教的影响 以及21世纪天主教教育的价值(既有承诺也有危险) 世纪的美国. Special attention will be given to examining trends related to teaching 并在天主教环境中学习,将天主教身份注入教育中 practice, and constructing a thoughtful, personal philosophy of education. 学生 will create a Catholic Education Portfolio.
  • EDU 6361 The Catholic School Principal -本课程将探讨天主教学校的独特使命和特殊 demands placed upon the 天主教学校 administrator. The specific roles and responsibilities of an administrator in 天主教学校 will be examined. The student will be introduced 能达到该职位的期望以及所要求的技能和知识 它们带来的挑战. This study will 包括 an analysis of the principal's responsibilities in the areas of leadership. Special attention will be paid to the 精神领袖的角色.
  • EDU 6362 Instructional 领导 -本课程探讨课程和教学中的主要问题、问题和趋势. 这项研究将包括对管理人员所需的领导技能的分析 在教学监督、课程开发、教学评估等方面, and staff development in a private or 狭隘的学校.
  • EDU 6363 Organizational 领导 and Planning - This course will examine administrative behavior and organizational structures as they relate to non-public schools. This examination will 包括 conceptual models of strategic planning and decision-making.
  • EDU 6364 Non-Public School Finance and Development -本课程将探讨私营企业财务管理的各个方面 狭隘的学校. This examination will 包括 the fiscal planning process, as well as, the development and implementation of a fiscal plan. 发展的作用和 public relations will be addressed. Discussion will also 包括 all aspects of budgets, marketing, fund raising, development strategy and management.
  • EDU 6365 Non-Public School Law -本课程是一门研究与管理有关的法律问题的课程 天主教学校. Included in this study will be an overview of Constitutional Law: Civil Law; Personnel Law; Canon Law; State and Federal Regulations; Accreditation Issues; and Government programs. Participants will be presented with precedent setting court decisions and case studies will be reviewed and discussed

What you need to know about the Master of 天主教学校领导:

  • 你可以在短短两年内获得天主教学校领导硕士学位,或者参加 your time to complete the program in as many as 6 years.
  • 课程由云顶集团的教师、教区和学校领导讲授, 让你有机会学习天主教学校的领导能力 leaders who are currently serving 天主教学校s.
  • 课程在网上和校园提供,在晚上和夏天,为繁忙的工作 专业人士和教育工作者. Coursework 包括s required reading, lectures, group work, and written and oral presentations.
  • MSCL实习为学生提供了一个展示领导力的机会 技能和应用他们的部长和教育知识在专业背景下, guided by a faculty supervisor and field mentor. 
  • Find out how much this degree costs through our 财政援助办公室. Several scholarships are available.


被考虑进入天主教学校领导硕士课程, 学生必须证明在天主教学校有两年的教学经验和一份证明 of reference from a supervisor.

Department of Education and Classical Learning


Janette Boazman博士.D.

Associate Professor, Education

电话: (972) 265-5714




芭芭拉Khirallah M.Ed.

Affiliate Instructor, Education and Classical Learning

电话: (972) 721-5334



Dr. 义明Nakazawa



电话: (972) 721-4110





Adjunct Professor, Education and Classical Learning

电话: (972) 721-5333


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #26