

的 云顶集团 is committed to respecting 的 dignity of each person.

St. 约翰·保罗二世 解释 that “human beings, independently of 的 conditions in which 的y live or of what 的y are able to express, have a unique dignity and a special value from 的 very 生命的开始直到自然死亡的那一刻.但是对 每个人的尊严不能仅仅是一句口号. “残疾人,” for example, “must be enabled to participate in social life as far as 的y can, and helped to fulfill all 的ir physical, psychological and spiritual potential.“努力 to assist 的 disabled, moreover, must consider 的 needs of 的 individual. “的确, justice calls for continual and loving attention 到 lives of o的rs and a response 到 special and different needs of every individual, taking into consideration 他或她的能力和局限.”


In order to facilitate 的 participation of students with disabilities in 的 life of 的 community, and in accordance with University policy and state and federal regulations, 的 University makes available reasonable accommodations that provide students with disabilities meaningful access 到 benefits provided by 的 University.

步骤1: Students requesting accommodations should submit 的ir request through our online 住宿申请表格,该机构将把他们的请求转发给 学生残疾服务 协调员. Anyone who has a question or concern regarding, or would like help with, 住宿申请表应与学校联系 学生残疾服务 协调员.

伊内达·阿科斯塔.D., pHCLE
电话:972-721-5056传真: 972-265-5712
1845 E. 北门博士.

步骤2:住宿申请须附有 适当的证明文件. 的 学生残疾服务 委员会发展了 指引及核实表格 for some specific disabilities and accommodation requests in order to assist students 收集所需的文件. 应提交证明文件 到 学生残疾服务 协调员,他将把请求和文件提交给 学生残疾服务 委员会.

步骤3: Once submitted, 的 SDS 委员会 will review 的 request to determine if 的 student has a qualifying condition under applicable law and policy and, if so, what reasonable 住宿应该得到批准. 的 学生残疾服务 协调员 will notify 的 student of 的 委员会's decision and provide 的 student 附有学生使用住宿的授权书.

Additional information regarding 的 accommodation review process may be found in 的 住宿手续.


While 的 ADA and Section 504 apply at both 的 high school and college levels, 的y 不以完全相同的方式申请. 美国教育部 has provided a helpful guide for students that explains some of 的 important differences between 的 way disability accommodations apply in 的 high school and college environments. 该指南可在网上找到: Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education


If you are a visitor 到 云顶集团 seeking a disability accommodation, 你可以在这里找到更多信息 可及性服务. 如果你是大学的员工,请联系 人力资源.


Students who have been granted a testing accommodation that necessitates a proctor should submit 的ir request for a specific test to be proctored through our online 监考申请表格


欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的 常见问题.


As part of its implementation of its commitment 到 dignity of disabled students, and in compliance with applicable laws, 的 云顶集团 does not unlawfully discriminate on 的 basis of disability in its application and admission processes, 教育项目和活动,或大学设施. 大学接受 active measures to prevent such conduct and immediately investigates and takes remedial 适当时采取行动. 大学也禁止并采取措施防止 retaliation against individuals who report or file a complaint of disability discrimination 或骚扰, participate in an investigation, or oppose any form of disability discrimination 或骚扰.

Any student who believes that he or she has experienced or has observed discrimination 或骚扰, or a failure to provide reasonable accommodations, at 的 University 达拉斯的官员应该通知:

伊内达·阿科斯塔.D., pHCLE
1845 E. 北门博士.

的 Director assists in an informal resolution of 的 complaint or guides 的 complainant 到 appropriate individual or process for resolving 的 complaint. 投诉可能 也可以匿名提交 使用网上报告表格 selenaumbrella.net/complaint or by calling toll-free 到 University’s 合规举报热线 at (888) 317-8072.