

Professor of 神学, Department Chair; Graduate 神学 Director

电话: (972) 721-4096

电子邮件: cmalloy@selenaumbrella.net

Office: Braniff Graduate Building #266

Dr. 马洛伊获得了博士学位.D. in 神学 from The Catholic University of America. He has taught at the 云顶集团 since 2001. 他接近神学 vocation with the conviction that God’s gift of revelation is perfectly harmonious 有正确的理由. In the face of apparent difficulties, faithful exploration yields fruitful insight into the Deposit of Catholic 信仰. 他看到了沉思和爱 of the truth as the ultimate purpose of theology. He re搜索es the thought of Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, especially as it is relevant to contemporary issues in Anthropology, Trinity, and Ecclesiology.

Ph.D. 神学; Minor in Philosophy, The Catholic University of America 

M.A. 神学, The Catholic University of America 
B.A. 神学; Second Major in Philosophy, University of Notre Dame 

Aquinas, Rahner, Anthropology, Ecclesiology, Triune God, and Catholic Integralism

THE 2311 Western Theological Tradition
 THE 4311 神学 of Thomas Aquinas
THE 5300 Aquinas on the Problem of Love
THE 5319 Philosophical Resources for 神学
THE 6334教会学
PHI 8326,奥古斯丁和阿奎那

False Mercy:  Recent Heresies Distorting Catholic 信仰 (索菲亚研究所出版社,2021年).

Aquinas on Beatific Charity and the Problem of Love (Emmaus Academic; 2019)

Engrafted into Christ: A Critique of the Joint Declaration

"Karl Rahner:  A Withered 信仰," chapter in 信仰 Once for All Delivered:  Tradition and Doctrinal Authority in the Catholic Church, ed. Kevin Flannery, SJ, and Robert Dodaro, OSA.  以马忤斯学术出版社,2022

"The 'I-Thou' Argument for the Trinity: Wherefore Art Thou?"  新星与老兵 15 (2017): 113-159.

"Karl Rahner's Supernatural Existential:  What is It?" Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 63 (2016):  402-421.

"Is Exclusive Identity Compatible with Ecumenism as a 相互 交换礼物?"  约瑟夫神学杂志 22 (2015):  176-202.

Catholic Ecumenism: Towards an Integration of 信仰, Hope, and Charity," 《讲道与教牧评论, July 2014.

"Eschatology and Eucharistic Adoration," 《讲道与教牧评论 2014年5月.

托马斯·莫尔对路德的看法 苍井空的:公正还是不公正?《当归90》(2013)

"De Lubac on Natural Desire: Difficulties and Antitheses" 新与老 9 (2011): 567-624.

"Figurative and Properly Literal Discourse in Scripture and 神学," chap. 8, Reason and the Rule of 信仰: Conversations in the Tradition with John Paul II, ed. Steven Long and Christopher Thompson (University Press of America, 2011), pp. 101-117.

“苍井空萨卢斯, Or 鱼骨呈软骨状: The Premised Promise of Luther's Dilemma" 信用Catholica 2 (2008): 375432.

"Subsistit in': Non-exclusive Identity or Full Identity?" 托马斯学派的 72 (2008): 144.   

"玛丽安Coredemption and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification," in Mary at the Foot of the Cross VIII: Acts of the Eighth International Symposium on 玛丽安Coredemption (New Bedford, MA: Academy of the Immaculate, 2008), pp. 351-409. 本书包括章节 by Timothy Noone, Brunero Gherardini, and Enrique Llamas, OCD.

Manfred Hauke, "Mary's Motherly Mediation in Christ: A Systematic Reflection,"  新星与老兵  (即将出版). Translation of "Die mtterliche Mittlerschaft Mariens in Christum: Eine Systematische Besinnung," in A. 冯·斯托克豪森等人编.,  Die Stellung der Gottesmutter in der Welt- und Heilsgeschichte  (Weilheim-Bierbronnen, 2008).

《云顶集团4008om》.Mater Dei教区. 2023年8月.

"Augustine on Hell":  Mater Dei教区 神学 on Tap at Bar.  2021年10月.

“教会之外无救赎。?《云顶集团》. 为圣母玛利亚,二月 18, 2021

"Luther and Catholicism on Justification.《云顶集团》. 为了上帝. 在蒸汽 神学啤酒厂,2020年10月.

“玛丽完美无暇的.“有抱负的神学家. 2019年12月.

"St. 文森特·费雷尔."为有抱负的神学家协会.  2018年10月.

“法蒂玛圣母."为有抱负的神学家协会.  2017年4月.

"Proper and Improper Analogy in Aquinas," Workshop on Analogy at The University of Dallas; November 21, 2015.  邀请演讲者/参与者

"The Thought of Karl Rahner" Fisher-More College (March 8, 2013)

对约翰·保罗二世的反思 我的社会之声(2013年2月)

  "A Catholic Perspective on the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" at The 35th Annual Symposium on The Lutheran Confessions: Justification in a Contemporary Context (Concordia Theological Seminary; Fort Wayne, IN; January 18-20, 2012)

"Trinitarian 神学 in Interreligious Dialogue" at "Nature as Norm" (St. 保罗神学院 School of Divinity; June, 2011)

"Ut Digni Efficiamur promissionibus Christi: Aquinas on Hope as Ecumenical Bridge" (Kalamazoo; May, 2009)

"An Examination of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (For "The 圣年. 圣保罗在圣. 圣保罗大教堂. Paul, MN; April 2009). 我介绍了 a Catholic perspective, and Robert Jenson presented a Lutheran perspective.

Conferences on Martin Luther (Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, NB; December 2008)

"玛丽安Coredemption and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (8th International Symposium on 玛丽安Coredemption; sponsored by Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate; Fatima, Portugal; July 2007)

《阿奎那的慈善:阿波里亚?" (Kalamazoo; May 2007)

回顾 Analogia Entis: On the Analogy of Being, Metaphysics, and the Act of 信仰 文/ Steven A. Long (Notre Dame出版社,2011). American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2013): 556-60.

回顾 纽曼所说的正当理由 by Stanley Jaki (Real View Books, 2007). 托马斯学派的 74 (2010): 318-322.

回顾 神的话就住在我们中间 by Guy Mansini (Sapientia Press, 2008). 即将到来的 新星与老兵8 (2010): 999-1004.

回顾 Love of Self and Love of God in 13th Century Ethics by Thomas Osborne (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005). American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 83:4 (2009): 621-624.

回顾 玛丽,"仁慈的修女." Mary's Universal Mediation of Grace in the Theological and Pastoral Works of Cardinal Mercier. Supplement of "Mary at the Foot of the Cross" IV by Manfred Hauke (New Bedford, MA: Academy of the Immaculate, 2004), pp. 183. In 新星与老兵 (英文版),卷. 5, no. 1 (Winter 2007): 225-27.