Faculty and Staff PC Replacement Policy

Faculty and Staff PC Replacement Policy


This policy provides guidelines regarding the purchase, replacement, reallocation, and disposal of desktops and laptops.


This policy applies to all desktops and laptops purchased and/or supported by the ITS department.


ITS currently supports specific makes and models of computers.  These systems were chosen to allow diversity in brands and operating systems, yet provide enough similarities that adequate support can be maintained.  Standardization also reduces cost significantly through bulk purchasing discounts and vendor agreements.

General policy

  • When computers reach their End-of-life, they must be retired from use. ITS does not redistribute old computers because they are cost prohibitive to maintain and pose a threat to the stability of the campus network infrastructure.
  • The replacement process occurs each fiscal year.
  • When computers are refreshed is determined by the fiscal resources, current replacement cycles, and the age of the equipment.
  • Only one computer per full-time faculty or staff will be replaced.
  • Desktop systems will be encouraged for all personnel, unless their job warrants frequent mobility.
  • Laptops will be issued to personnel whose jobs require frequent mobility.
  • Upgrades required by job function will be the responsibility of ITS upon approval of the director.
  • Computers or accessories lost or stolen will be replaced by the department assigned the equipment.

New employees

A new computer will be purchased only if:

  • A new full-time faculty or staff member has been hired for a position that didn't exist before.
  • If possible, departmental 基金 will be used to purchase new systems for staff members.  Thereafter it will fall under the ITS department budget for replacement.
  • All computers must be purchased with the approval of the Director and through the ITS department.

Refresh of existing systems

  • When financially possible, computer systems will be replaced within the fiscal year in which they are determined to be end-of-life.
  • A computer will be refreshed on a one-to-one basis only (ex: a desktop replaces a desktop, a laptop replaces a laptop). 
  • Any old system must be returned to the ITS department for disposal.  Special consideration will be made for end-of-life machines that do not require network connectivity and ITS support for their intended function. 
  • Any systems stolen or lost will be replaced by departmental 基金.
  • In all cases, if a Mac-based system is chosen, the employee should have a valid reason for doing so (job function or applications require it, etc.) as they are generally more expensive to purchase and maintain.

Lost, damaged or stolen items

  • Any computers or accessories that stop functioning not due to misuse will be replaced by the ITS department.
  • Any computers or accessories that are lost or stolen may be replaced by department 基金.  These items will not be refreshed until replaced.
  • Any computers or accessories that are damaged beyond normal wear and tear may be replaced via departmental 基金.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty will not be supplied with a computer.  Shared systems are available within each department for their use.