

Associate Professor, 英语

电话: (972) 265-5829

电子邮件: bourbon@selenaumbrella.net


Brett Bourbon received his Ph.D. from Harvard, where he studied 20th century literature 和哲学. He was a professor at Stanford, 和 is now a professor at the University 达拉斯. 他已经 received many awards, including a Fulbright to the University of Lisbon, a Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Stanford, the Harvard 英语 Scholar award, 和 the top teaching awards from both the 云顶集团 和 Stanford. He is also a recurrent visiting professor in The Program of Literary Theory at the University of Lisbon, as well as a member of the Comitato Scientifico Internazionale, Oikos: Centro studi sul Noi politico.

他已经 has published numerous essays on various philosophical 和 literary topics. In addition, he has published three books: (1) Everyday Poetics: Ethics, Love, 和 Logic (Bloomsbury Press, 2022), (2) Jane Austen And the Ethics of Life (Routledge Press, 2022), 和 (3) Finding a Replacement for the Soul: meaning 和 mind in literature 和哲学 (哈佛大学,2004年).

他目前正在写作。 一本名为 Thinking with Words: A Literary Groundwork, under contract with Routledge Press (with Professor Miguel Tamen). 断断续续, he publishes poems 和 stories.

Bourbon also works in computational social science 和 the philosophy of technology. 他已经 published 和 presented a number of papers on human/computer interfaces, information 和 misinformation diffusion, 和 the politics of social media. 他目前正在写作。 一本名为 (5) The Kingdom of Gossip—The Internet 和 Contemporary Social Dynamics, which is under contract with CRC, Division of  Computer Science  (with Professor Renita Murimi) .

Bourbon also works as a strategy 和 leadership consultant 和 facilitator. 他已经 worked on successful projects for top international 和 national technology companies, as well as a host of start-ups. 他已经 also worked as a marketing 和 strategy consultant 和 facilitator for institutions of classical education. 他是 the Masters of 领导 program at the 云顶集团 (with J. 李惠廷顿), in which he taught two core courses: Critical 和 Strategic ThinkingStorytelling for Business 和 Life.

Bourbon works at the intersection of philosophy 和 literature.

  • While he is an expert in the work of James Joyce, he has also taught 和 written on the art of Austen, Conrad, Eliot, Stevens, Bishop, 和 on contemporary poems, novels, 和 graphic novels [both British 和 American]. He also writes about 和 teaches courses on the 19th century, focusing on Austen, Eliot, James, Wordsworth, Baudelaire, 和 济慈.
  • In philosophy, he studies the philosophy of mind 和 language, aesthetics, 和 ethics, as well as Wittgenstein, Ordinary language philosophy, theology, 和 theories of reasoning.
  • In addition, he writes about Computational Social Science, theories of information, the internet, human/computer interfaces, 和 Artificial Intelligence.
  • He continues to work as a consultant 和 has taught courses on 领导 和 Storytelling.
  • He also writes about the visual art of the last 200 years.


布雷特·波旁博士.D. was a professor at Stanford University for ten years, 和 is now an 英语 professor at the 云顶集团. In addition, he is a 访问ing Associate Professor in The Program of Literary Theory at the University of Lisbon.

布雷特·波旁博士.D. is also the Strategy 和 Technology consultant at the Silicon Valley Insight 和 Design firm of  斜光 . 他已经 worked on consulting projects, involving strategic 和 technological issues, for Microsoft, Nike 和 a host of start-ups.

Literary Study II: Prose Fiction

Contemporary Literature 和 Culture
Theology 和 Political Theology

Brett Bourbon is the author of Finding a Replacement for the Soul: Meaning 和 Mind in Literature 和 菲尔。osophy (哈佛大学,2004年). 他已经 also written 和 published numerous essays, including essays on the concept of culture, the philosophy of Wittgenstein, science fiction, the theory 和 practice of poetry, 和 James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake.

他已经 recently completed a manuscript, entitled An Art of Attention: Poems, Ethics, 和 the Rationality of Description. He is currently working on 一本名为, The Logic 和 Poetry of Analogy, as well as a collection of essays, entitled The Senses of War 和 Culture.

  • Fulbright to the University of Lisbon
  • Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship
  • Harvard 英语 Scholar Award
  • 沃尔特·J. Gores Teaching Award from Stanford
  • Haggerty Teaching Award from the 云顶集团.