Steven Stryer PhD

Steven Stryer, D.Phil.

Associate Professor, English

Phone: (972) 721-4080


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #316

Steven Stryer received his D. Phil. from the University of Oxford.  His research interests include the intersections among political ideology, historical thought, and literary style in the eighteenth century. 


  • A.B., Harvard University
  • D. Phil., University of Oxford 



  • Literary Tradition I, II, IV
  • Early Modern Literature
  • Romantic Tradition
  • Pope, Swift, and Their Circle
  • The Age of Johnson
  • Satire: Classical and Modern
  • The French Revolution in the European Imagination
  • Augustan Literature

The intersections among political ideology, historical thought, and literary style in the eighteenth century attitudes to and uses of the past in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the rhetoric of eighteenth-century political opposition, the pre-Romantics and the transition to Romanticism, literary Jacobitism.


"The Style of Discontinuity: Prose Patterning and Historical Change in Paul de Rapin de Thoyras and Thomas Salmon."  Clio:  A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 42: 2 (2013): 137-60.

"Burke's Vehemence and the Rhetoric of Historical Exaggeration."  Rhetorica:  A Journal of the History of Rhetoric 30: 2 (2012): 176-98.

"Allegiance, Sympathy, and History: The Catholic Loyalties of Alexander Pope."  Religion in the Age of Enlightenment 2 (2010): 103-29.

" 'A loftier tone': 'Laodamia,' The Aeneid, and Wordsworth's Vergilian Imagination." Forthcoming in Studies in Philology.

"The Trouble with Nostalgia."  Essays in Criticism 58: 3 (2008): 273-80.

"Imagining War."  Essays in Criticism 55: 2 (2005): 178-84.

Works in progress

"A Covert Narrative of British History: Pope's An Essay on Man, Epistle III."

A book manuscript based on my doctoral dissertation, The Past/Present Topos in Eighteenth-Century English Literature:  A Pattern of Historical Thought and its Stylistic Implications in Historiography, Poetry, and Polemic (2007).